Sunday, March 6, 2011

March Meet and Godzilla Goodness!

Howdy folks! Been a while, I know.

Over the last few months the meet ups have enjoyed healthy numbers which is always good to see. This month we had Wen, Sam, Mike, Katie, Lisa and two newcomers, writer Joe and comic fan Damien, always great to see new folk at the meets!

So, the other day on Twitter, Impact Comics presented a challenge to us- to draw Godzilla destroying a local landmark/building at the meet up. Here's what we got!

Rob Perrie

Katie Ryan
Lisa McDonald
Sam Cavanagh

Mike Perry

Until next month guys!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calling All Artists!

Hey, folks, Rob here.

I was talking to Katie Ryan of Red Tails the other day and we were talking about something else that we could all work on as a group, seeing as the previous anthology idea sorta kinda died...

Her idea was that at the next meet up (which is Sunday, February 6th) that we all decide on characters, a story and basically brainstorm what is to happen in this story. Then, once all this is done one or more of us writes a fleshed out story for a comic and breaks it up into groups of pages, depending on the length of the story, say, 2 or 3 a piece. At the following meet (first Sunday of March), we'll all draw random groups of pages out of a hat (or someother means, I'm open to ideas), and those will be the pages we draw of this story.

Sound good? Either way we can discuss other ways to do things such as this. There's next Sunday where we can all talk about it.